Megan Accosta is the editor and publisher of Glamour & Grace, a daily wedding and inspiration blog for the modern vintage bride. Glamour & Grace has won numerous awards for it’s gorgeous weddings, high quality handmade and DIY content, and it’s handmade shop. Glamour & Grace has been featured in Real Simple’s wedding section.
Here are some highlights from our interview:
- How Megan finds and selects weddings for publication
- The difference between “Handmade” and “DIY”
- How to get the handmade look without doing it yourself.
- How to use Pinterest to plan your wedding without getting overwhelmed
- How to find the best Handmade artists and vendors online
Just a Note: Life in the mountains can be difficult, especially when it comes to adequate bandwidth during the holidays, when this interview was recorded. As a result sound quality was compromised for this interview. Megan and I have discussed re-record at a later date, but we wanted to get this awesome information out to you. Enjoy!!!
Megan Acosta is the creator and editor of Glamour & Grace, the place for modern vintage brides to find stylish ideas, handmade finds, and be charmed by amazing photography. Glamour & Grace has been honored with’s Editor’s Pick for the Best Style Blog of 2010 & Bride Tide’s Top 100 Wedding Blogs of 2011 and 2012.
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