A Whimsical Twist on Your Wedding Day

The Hindsight Groom calls me "Twist." He says a Twist is an unexpected event or a beautiful woman. Either way, he claims, it's fitting. Neither one of us were looking for love when we met, and he thinks I'm really pretty. Therefore, twists always remind me of love and romance. I was so inspired today when I saw this beautiful woman with her hair in whimsical twists over on Hi-Fi Weddings. OK, was this not the perfect hair do for a artful camp wedding? Exaaaaactly!!

whimsical hair twists
Image from Hi-Fi Weddings

I was even more thrilled when I subsequently saw a DIY tutorial over on A Beautiful Mess. Your maid of honor could totally do this. The nature of the twists call for whimsy and imperfection, so don't worry about getting it to look "perfect." For full directions, check out A Beautiful Mess.

Directions for DIY hair twists

finished hair twists
Images from A Beautiful Mess