Even the newest of foodies knows that al dente means “to the tooth” in Italian and is generally used to describe when pasta is perfectly done: mostly soft but a bit firm and chewy on the inside. I cannot think of a more perfect escort card or place setting, especially for a foodie couple, than one make from forks.
Images from: Get Organized Blog | Ruffled Blog via The Indecisive Bride
You can epoxy or nail thrift store forks onto just about anything, a piece of wood, a vintage window, an old picture frame, a door whatever. Use them to hold business card sized escort cards. For vintage fork place settings follow the instructions on Ruffled Blog. (Hint, thrift store forks are just fine. You don’t have to kill yourself finding vintage silver!)
Oh, and BTW, the difference between escort cards and place settings:
Escort cards direct guests to a specific table but you can let them decide which place setting to sit at.
Place Settings are assigned seating. Once the guest finds her table, she sits at the exact place setting with her name on it.