figure eight knot thank you card

Hey Rock Climbers, Here’s Your Thank You Card

It Won't Let You Down

One of my newest, most favorite bride bloggers, Lizzie from Lizzie & Isaiah's $10,000 Wedding had an awesome, free, downloadable thank you card last week that is perfect for the rock climbing set. 

I fell in love with this free thank you card download for two reasons. 1) I love the modern, bright, cheery colors. 2) I'm a rock climber and that is a figure eight knot. Very romantic notion here: Each climbing partner ties into one end of the rope with a figure eight knot. It is pretty much fail proof, ensuring that you will never be let down (to the ground) even if you fall. And believe me, if you're going to climb, you're going to fall. The trick is to not die while doing it. The figure eight is the first step in ensuring that you and your partner will survive (and have fun) while climbing. OK, now you, dear reader, can do the heavy lifting with the marriage metaphor part of this story ;-)


figure eight knot thank you card


Lizzie is also the creative design talent of CTRLP (get it? print stuff? Cute, huh?) Basically you buy her designs (for like $35 bucks), customize with your info, and DIY the printing. Be still my cheap little heart! (I would say broke-ass, but I think Dana may have the corner on that market at this point.)

Anyhoo, go to to download the template. Be sure to subscribe to Lizzie so you don't miss any of her freebies Thanks Lizzie!