Episode 1
Remember my DIY daffodil bouquet post from a couple of weeks ago? I called it easy-peasy. Well, I decided to put my money where my mouth is, so-to-speak because putting money in one's mouth is nasty. Anyway, Here is the first DIY TRY video.
Basically I am going to try some of my favorite DIY projects on the web on camera and cold. That is, I am not going to practice before making my attempt so you get a real feel for how difficult these crafts are for the un-crafty craft lover ;-)
DIY Try | $10 Daffodil Bouquet from Christie O. {Hindsight Bride} on Vimeo.
Recommendations + Advice:
Then I'll rank the project according to expense, difficulty, and lead time you'll need for practicing and completing the project.
Expense: Depends on the flowers you choose. If you go with in-season Daffodils, you really are talking less than $10 per bouquet! You can do a huge bridal party for under $100!
Difficulty: Easy-peasy. Do remember to wrap a ruberband around your stems before wrapping them with the ribbon to hold them in place.
Lead time for practicing: At least a week before your wedding, do a practice bouquet to get the feel for it. However, I found that once the Daffodils were pierced, they faded quickly, so you may want to do your bouquets the morning-of. If you're assigning bouquet duty to someone, make sure she or he practices with you and knows exactly what you want.
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