example of a backyard budget wedding

Can you have a Big Wedding on a Little Budget?

Bridal Koolaid Cocktail Hour #5 | The Big Budget Episode

example of a backyard budget weddingImage from One House Love.
Sherry and John opted for a DIY backyard wedding surrounded by lots of friends and family.

Welcome to Episode five of the Bridal Koolaid Cocktail Hour. Today we’re talking to Lindsey from Frugally Wed about wedding budgets and what the first thing you need to do if you want a big wedding on a small budget. Yes it can happen, according to Lindsey. Listen to ideas about how to save for your wedding, how long your should save for it, and what portion of your income you should set aside for you wedding.

{Warning: NSFW}

The Bridal Koolaid Cocktail Hour is NEVER safe for work, or children. Put on some headphones for this shit!




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